Saturday, March 30, 2013

Fantastic (NOT) idea

Our esteemed and infallible legislators/policymakers/school detsroyers have finally enshrined VAM in state law. There is every reason to believe the Gov will sign this piece of toilet paper. He certainly has not said anything suggesting he wouldn't. 'At least' 50% of this score is now mandated to come from test scores.
Not one of these nitwits has spent time in a classroom to see students go to more effort avoiding their work than it would take to just do it. None of them has had the joy of hearing a student announce his/her intention to 'get' you in trouble, even if it requires a conspiracy of lies that rivals Watergate. Non of them has been grabbed by a student and dragged up and down the hallway in front of students and teachers. None of them has ever witnessed a student DELIBERATELY blow the test, for personal reasons (avoid higher demands, get parental attention, get out of the gifted classes, compete with peers for lowest possible results, etc.)
 Keep in mind the tests in question have yet to be written as we are in the middle of switching to Common Core standards, and the CCSS-based tests (from the PARCC Consortium) do not yet exist. Also keep in mind that NO ONE has yet shown that these tests measure ANYTHING other than the ability to distinguish the four letters A,B,C, and D. Further, keep in mind that the children and grandchildren of the aforementioned wonks attend non-public schools and will never be subjected to this bullshit of a system.
It's time to get the hell out of this place, if it's the last thing we ever do.

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