Tuesday, March 26, 2013

consistency- hobgoblin of little minds?

At my school, it's a running joke that if a decision is made by administration, it will get changed in no time. You can count on it. We might be told to tighten up on enforcing the dress code on Monday, then we'll be told Wednesday to ease up and concentrate on 'the important things'. The following week, when the kids are starting to look like MTV video stars, suddenly it's important to jump on that dress code again. You can get whiplash trying to keep up with the shifts in policy. And that's just one example. We've been given contradictory instructions about the school discipline plan, RTI procedures, and most anything else you can imagine. My favorite is when we get nailed for not doing something correctly, after following the only instructions we were provided, because the new expectation was never communicated to us. We have to constantly ask questions to clarify exactly what someone wants us to do, because it changes frequently and without notice.

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