Thursday, October 24, 2013

Waiting for Downton

I confess:
I LOVE watching Downton Abbey. Even in reruns. Especially since reruns of Downton tend to be of much higher quality than most of the first-run junk the networks put out. And, each time I watch, I notice something that I missed the last time.
So, I was naturally tickled when I walked into the public library ( to enjoy their open-air seating at tree level and the wifi) and found a little surprise on the NEW BOOKS shelf. It's called While We Were Watching Downton Abbey and it's a novel by Wendy Wax. I confess, I'm not familiar with her other books, but this one got me in chapter 1 while I waited for my computer to boot up. (Yes, I'm old enough to remember, and use, such archaic computer jargon.) I've added it to my Goodreads list of books I want to read. Goodreads is a cool site, by the way.

Meanwhile, with respect to Beckett, I'm Waiting for Downton so I can get a fix. In January. hence the Thursday night reruns...

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