Wednesday, October 09, 2013

New cut scores for state exams

So, the feds insist that the tests must get harder, just in time to find out if we meet the NCLB challenge of 100% proficiency? Sounds like the game is rigged to ensure kids will lose.

And the new scores weren't announced until after school started. Here is an excerpt from another school district's newsletter, dated 8/2. Whoops, spoke too soon. The file is corrupted.

Here is the section from my superintendent's newsletter. There was no time to read the newsletter when it hit the inbox (TKES tasks came first), so the next morning I almost lost my breakfast:

Remember, I teach non-readers, so this is an absolute nightmare for me. For those not familiar, the old cut score was 800. It has apparently not been publicly announced yet. Hopefully that will happen sooner than the day before testing starts.

By the way, if you look for it on the GA DOE website, you'll have a dandy time hunting for this news. I can't find it, and I'm usually pretty good at that stuff. This is all I could find, and it is NOT what we received this week. For the record, I have no idea how they take 60 or 70 questions and turn that into scores of 650-920.

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