Monday, October 07, 2013


I'm disappointed with my job. Let me count the ways,,,

  1. We just got the new health inurance rates. We've been screwed and didn't even get dinner first.
  2. The state DOE, in their infinite foolishness, decided to change the CRCT cut score. It's two months in to the school year, for heaven's sake, and I teach nonreaders. 'Nuff said.
  3. The principal stood up in front of us in a meeting and told us that 'some of this stuff will have to get done outside of school hours'. This as our time (before school) was wasted on something other than planning wonderful lessons.
  4. Our new evaluation system hinges on a digital portfolio platform which comes with no instructions on what goes where. Then we get scolded if it's not perfectly done on deadline, with no instructions. The dragon lady has already chewed my ass.
  5. As a teacher of students with special needs, I get bounced around every year and don't ever have the opportunity for real reflection and improvement since I start over each time.
  6. As a teacher of students with special needs, I have to fight for books and materials and often forgo the teacher edition because there aren't enough to go around.
  7. As an inclusion teacher, there have been no subs for me on three of the four occasions I've been out of my classroom for assigned professional activity.
  8. I have followed the new procedure for ordering classroom supplies; after 6 weeks I've yet to receive a single one of those items. It can't be helped, I was told today.
  9. After great effort to coordinate with my coteacher and get some lesson planning done, administration showed their appreciation by pulling us out of class on 2 days notice to observe a model lesson. Seriously, with 6 adults observing and recording, do you think it was representative of anything?
  10. Even though the two of us bust our chops daily to teach our kids together, the 'coverage' provided on this occasion consisted of ONE person. So, which one of us is not needed?
  11. My day at work regularly ends at 6 pm or later, trying to finish tasks that require sustained concentration. It's hard to concentrate when you are interrupted during your planning.
  12. The science department ordered materials and equipment months ago. None of it has turned up yet. But, keep those wonderful hands-on lessons coming!
  13. Twice in the space of a week, my classroom has been interrupted by an administrator who can't be bothered to find out my schedule when I'm needed for something. Please just let me teach.
  14. I'm sure there's more to add, but I'm too exhaustipated to think any longer!

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