Saturday, January 14, 2012

it's a Brave New World in Arizona

In addition to pulling the plug on a well-repsected ethnic studies curriculum, they are now banning books. BANNING BOOKS! I personally hope every family in Tucson goes out and buys/reads each of the horribly dangerous books that TUSD is removing from schools, at the insistence of a state government afraid of its own shadow. Some of the banned titles include: The Tempest and Rethinking Columbus.
Salon has the article here:
And the Tucson Citizen:
Here's another article:

BANNED BOOKS WEEK 2012:  September 30 through October 6

Huffington Post piece on book banning:
For a little background on book banning in education, start here:

Justice Brennan's comments in the case of Texas v Johnson, 1989:

"Recognizing that the right to differ is the centerpiece of our First Amendment freedoms, a government cannot mandate by fiat a feeling of unity in its citizens."

“If there is a bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment, it is that the Government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable.”

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