Friday, April 07, 2006

Education revelation- wow!

News flash! The longer a student struggles with reading skills, the harder it is for that student to catch up. Meaning, 5th graders with reading deficits have more trouble than 3rd graders with similar trouble, when provided similar interventions. Duh!!!
It took a high-level University study of 772 students in 50 schools to discover that it's harder to help older students than younger students.
Isn't this why the phrase "early intervention" exists? Why are we not intervening when these kids are in 1st, 2nd grade? I had a teacher tell me once,"I don't believe in referring". She was talking about referring kids with learning problems for testing and possible help. It makes no sense to me to wait till a kid is illiterate in middle school before deciding this needs to be addressed. What do you think?
Here'e the link:

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