Monday, September 23, 2013

Delta Scape: Why do we need celebrities to fix education?

Delta Scape: Why do we need celebrities to fix education?: Director M. Night Shyamalan is the latest celebrity to take a turn at telling us how to fix the education system in the United States.  I ...

For the record, I LOVED Lady in the Water, Signs, Sixth Sense. But on this, he's lost me. Off the rails, totally.

Be sure and watch the interview. Listen for how little he really says.
Then, watch the parody down the page. and roar with laughter.

BTW, it's after hours, and i'm at the public library on their late night...
Update, 28 minutes later:
Excerpt of Shyamalan's book, on NPR, here:

And, here's SLATE, with predictions for the ending of the book:

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