Thursday, August 01, 2013

What a relief- I'm actually a 1-percenter.

So says Charles Koch, in a new commercial airing in some parts of the country.
Of course, he is using the entire globe as his reference population. so, by his reckoning, if you make 34,000/yr, you are among the top 1% wealthy people IN THE WORLD. Whew, I feel so much better now. It's not such a big deal anymore that it's a struggle to cover the bills some months, that I haven't seen a pay increase in several years (in fact I make LESS now than 5 years ago when I started at my current school), that the price of gasoline is shooting up suddenly for no damn reason.
For background on Koch and his economic philosophy, read up on Milton Friedman and the Chicago School of Economics. Also try reading Shock Doctrine, if it's not too depressing. I'm still working on it. Also look at the article exposing their political influence and connections, as soon as I find it. Here's one to get you started. And another. How about the Times?
Aha, here it is:
There's even a film about it:

By the way, here's an example of what free-market policy can get you.

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