Saturday, August 10, 2013

What are we doing to families?

We insist that a parent who 'cares' will read to their youngster every day, and then listen to them read when they are older. But if it becomes a burden, or interferes with other, more pressing priorities, what is really accomplished? This mother is exhausted. We can sit back in our armchair and analyze all that we believe should be changed in her life, but, it's HER life, after all. We don't know what the pressures and obstacles may be. If she is exhausted from work because she is the primary wage earner in the household, who has the right to criticize her for keeping a roof over their head and food on the table? If she is simultaneously caring for children and an elderly parent (or in-law), how can we take issue? Bottom line, she dreads the read aloud, and her son will eventually pick up on that. He will begin to dread her dread. How does this serve the aim of building a literate society.

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