Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Segregationist Time warp

Four years ago, people across the country were shocked to hear that segregated proms were still being held all over the South. The NY Times even covered the subject.
On the early news today, there was a report on a group of girls in Wilcox County, GA, are trying to organize an inclusive, Integrated Prom at their school this year. One of the girls was named Homecoming Queen, but even Homecoming dances are segregated, so she and the Homecoming King attended separate events. That kind of did it, I guess, and the four friends are trying to change things. It's not proving to be easy. Posters have been torn down, and adults are upset.
Funny thing, I applied for a job at that high school a couple of years ago. Wish I'd been hired. This is something I'd have sponsored.

UPDATE 4/5/13: This story has been picked up by national media. Both the NY Times and Wash Post have taken note, in addition to the Atlanta Journal Constitution.

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