Saturday, February 23, 2013

Pants on the Ground

Funny how a behavior pattern originating in prison became a fashion statement. Of course, this is the habit of young men (and boys) wearing their pants so loose and low that you see more of their butts than you ever saw of your own child's. There are two versions of this. One of them claims that when in prison, the only way to get some action is to advertise your availability by wearing low-slung pants, exposing your undergarments. The other version maintains that it results from prisoners doing without belts, which could be used to harm oneself or others. It is the thing (still) to show one's underwear by wearing baggy oversized pants. Kids used to call it “bustin' a sag”. Think of General Larry Platt who sang “Pants on the Ground” at his American Idol audition a few years back. Why do these guys think the rest of us want to see their tired drawers, or worse, their bare behinds? Nobody who didn't come from my womb should ever show me their bottom. Just not attractive.

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