Tuesday, November 20, 2012


I need to schedule a time-sensitive, legally mandated conference for several students. One of the parents could not be reached by phone, so I wrote up the meeting notice and sent it home, hoping for the best. It came back with a request to reschedule. OK, but...

the time she wants is BEFORE our workday begins. In other words, the team is expected to rearrange our lives to be at work earlier than normal in order to accommodate. I know, I know, that's just good 'customer service' and all that jazz. Except...

how many people would have the balls to call the doctor to reschedule an appointment with the expectation that the doc and staff will see you before or after regular office hours?

when you have business at the courthouse, do you ask them to open up early just for you?

do you show up at the grocery store before they open up in the morning and demand that they unlock the doors and fire up the registers so you can do your shopping?

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