Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Parents and Choice

Last week, Diane Ravitch posted a reader comment on the subject of 'Do parents know best?' This article sort of follows the same theme, asserting that parents who have a choice of school for their children don't know how to choose a 'good' school. I would argue the opposite, that theyknow what they are choosing, but base that choice on something other than test scores. That does not make them wrong. It simply means that their priorities lie elsewhere. I don't disagree with their decision. I would simply say to them, as to all parents, that a school is as good or bad as you make it, and you (and your kids) will get whatever educational experience you work for. If you put in the effort, you can get a great education at a 'bad school'; you can also get a lousy education at a 'great school' if you treat the opportunity carelessly.

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