Saturday, August 27, 2011

Gotta wonder about people

We've spent a lot of time this week on behavior issues. We have classroom disruptions, hallway wandering, physical aggression, and general failure to follow simple directions. It's very difficult to teach under these conditions. So we've been making parent contact. Some parents have been called more than once this week.
I recognize that some of them have created a situation where they are now powerless to change the behavior of the child, but the school plan requires parent contacts to begin the discipline process. Plus, I'm hoping that by getting on it now, I won't be still dealing with so much later. I've discussed all of this with the principal, including my latest round of calls yesterday, so that he is prepared for anyone who might object. We also have conferences set up for next week. It's absolutely exhausting, but necessary.
Here's the sad part: we are moving through our calling list, and starting to encounter the parents who actively defend their children's behavior and failure to complete assignments. I'm used to the ones who make the right noises and don't follow up. But it's always upsetting to hear a parent tellimg me they don't see what big deal is, or that this is petty. I have to stop myself from inviting them to come teach my class and see just how well it goes with their own child acting like they do. We even have one who will not allow her child to complete missing assignments after school. Great choice.

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