Wednesday, March 23, 2011


1. There are too many megalomaniacs out there in administrative positions who use their authority like a weapon, instead of a tool. I've met them.

2. I teach in a "right to work state". My contract isn't worth the paper it's written on. We had statewide teacher furloughs last year. You may have seen it in the news.

3. I'm a child of union members. I'm well aware that some union officials are less than ethical (OK, corrupt). Eliminating unions is NOT the solution. Take care of the problem properly. Until I moved to this state, I had no idea there were still places in the USA where employees have virtually no rights. I feel like chattel.

4. By protecting the working conditions of the teachers, unions also protect the learning conditions your child faces every day. How well would you learn if the megalomanic in the front office were free to harass teachers during class with no restrictions on this behavior? I can tell you, I'd be wetting my pants, because if they can treat adults that way, I (the student) don't stand a chance. What about you?

More to come- it's time to get ready for another day in the classroom.

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