Wednesday, December 18, 2013

If this is true, then teachers are brilliant.

At this rate, I'll be a bloody GENIUS by the end of the year. Changes are coming so fast I'm getting whiplash. Everything I was taught in college seems to be wrong now. Or invalid. Or not good enough.

Friday, December 06, 2013

Really dumb question

Apparently not.
And neither do the administrators who've ceased to support our growth.

Thursday, December 05, 2013

The joys of lesson planning

Or, more precisely, figuring out just what the hell is supposed to be on the damn form. It's a mashup of Learning-Focused Schools, Assessment for Learning, Understanding by Design, and probably Charlotte Danielson. Hell if I know. Planning hasn't been this much of an ordeal since college, when we were expected to script all questions and (student) answers, as if you could anticipate the little fellow who answered, "a pail of vomit". WTF?!?
This time it took the better part of an hour to figure out what to put on paper, and more importantly, HOW to put on paper, a week's worth of instruction. I'd have planned farther out, but there wasn't any more time before the kids arrived for class. Plus, I worked through lunch. And it will probably get ripped to shreds anyway. Nothing I do seems to be adequate, yet there are no suggestions for improvement. After I see the results of the next TKES observation (the big one- 30 minutes!), I'll figure out what to do next.

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Jersey Jazzman: 'Twas the Night Before PISA Day!

Jersey Jazzman: 'Twas the Night Before PISA Day!: 'Twas the night before PISA Day , when all through the foundations The wonks were all dreaming about Bill Gates's donations ; Th...